Originally Posted by RobertISaar
7.97 years to make up the difference.... still not the "Switching from an SUV to a car, will save you enough to buy a new luxury car every ten years, or an excellent used car every four years." but i'm also not doing SUV economy....
But you're using a very contrived, out on the end of the scale example. Most of the people that post is addressed to are probably driving much newer vehicles.
Say instead that your current vehicle (which you use mainly for commuting, alone) is this 2007 Yukon:
2007 GMC Yukon XL on which you just paid off the 5 year auto loan. Let's even say that the buyer talks you down to $20K. So you buy the $5K Insight to commute in, leaving $15K in your pocket, and everything you save on gas, registration, insurance, etc is gravy.
Even if you then spend $5K of that $15K on an older pickup or SUV for the occasional hauling jobs, you're still $10K to the good, plus the ongoing gas savings.