Originally Posted by Compaq888
i'm starting to get annoyed with people talking on the phone or people who are texting. if you thought i was driving slow, think again, the people go slower, block traffic while sitting on the green light, weave in their lane and sometimes even go into other people's lanes. Not to mention that the accidents they cause. I heard some cell phone law takes effect july 1st but i seriously doubt it will make a big impact.
Yeah, I got stuck behind a lady at a stop sign while she was on the phone. She just sat there and talked. I couldn't go around here because traffic kept coming from the other direction. I honked at her and she turned and glared at me, like she was saying, "What's wrong with you, can't you see I'm on the %^&* phone!" I had to honk a few more times to get her to move. Apparently she was only going to move if she couldn't hear the person on the other end of the call.