Originally Posted by rjstegbauer
I need to remember that my van has the auto fuel cut-off when there is no pressure on the gas pedal.
If anyone else is in the car, I can't even do DWL because the other people complain that I'm driving too slow. Sigh.
I have the opposite problem now when I drive my 97 Ranger. I only drive it 1-2 times a month, but when I do, I always downshift to slow down as if it had DFCO and it does not have it... So trying to use it uses more fuel! I quickly catch myself, and switch to the old methods, but still. Just shows how complicated it has gotten.
My wife is getting better at anticipating traffic lights with me. She will put up with coasting up to a light if it is red, trying to maintain speed, etc... But just yesterday she was complaining I was not going the speed limit when there is really not room to go the speed limit. There will be a large gap in between the car ahead and us, but the gap remains the same and she just compains... I am not really sure what makes being on the persons bumper going under the speed limit any better, but in her mind it does. Hopefully she comes around to that.