Well I got messing around on google maps to see if i could find a better route to work since 60% of my trip is on a major road with too much traffic for the home trip (11am-noon). The walk mode on google maps gave me the shortest route and by quite a bit - over 10%. My *normal* trip was 34.4 miles, and this route is 30.8 miles. Less driving = less mpg needed / trip to keep the same fuel usage.
Anyway... I wasn't so sure about the route since it went directly though the middle of a pretty major city (for my area), but the road is a 35-45mph max most of the trip which is more my ideal speeds and safer for me.
Compairing my trip home yesterday to today...
Yesteardy - 42mpg
Today - 44.7mpg and a shorter trip (took longer, slower average speed)
I messed up a LOT on the coasts, so many spots for EOC it is crazy. Several corners I was still going 35-40mph! I think if I learn this route well enough, I could pull 50mpg trips out of it pretty easy.
Now I'm not sure which route to take to work tonight lol. I got 46.7mpg (no EOC, night time, head lights etc) on the trip in, and there isn't many stops/lights, but then again the trip though town would be less stops since the lights would be flashing yellow.
I really need to get a manual -___- all this EOCing is going to kill my starter/battery