Originally Posted by ECA Systems
... Anytime the brake is depressed or the driver presses cancel, the system cancels and returns to charge mode...
I've read elsewhere in this thread that the system does not provide regen. True, in that it does not provide the "strong" braking regen of a full fledged hybrid. However keep in mind that various conditions will charge the battery pack. I estimate that in stop and go driving the gains will be pretty good, especially on the hands of a skilled hypermiler.
On the open road on the other hand, I estimate that charging would mostly (only?) be accomplished by having the engine power the converted alternator. I think that for good gains on the highway it would be good to pre-charge the battery off a/c wall current to get the max possible assist time. But then the system has an upper speed limit for assist so high speed operation isn't yet it's forte. Possibly increasing the pack voltage by about 20% would raise that limit to a higher speed.