Yesterday's test drive was inconclusive due to the high wind, 22 gusting to 33 and large fox hunting antenna array on the car. There is defiantly a difference on how the car drives, I can feel the weight in the rear, it drives more like a sw1 (wagon). Cross wind stability is worse, much more so than with just the wheel skirts. The gusts blow the car around and a couple of times I had to fight to keep it in the lane at 65 mph. More testing today, but the winds are forecast to be stronger with gusts up to 40 mph. I need to fill in the inside of the rear wheel fairings,as they are open now. I might try some wind tunnel testing in the driveway. I was second place in the fox hunt. They said the back of the car looked like a front of a car.
... faired in the rear wheels and made a custom exhaust extension. Very windy today.
right rear wheel faired...
up on blocks...
riveting using mushrooming pop rivets from Mc master carr...
exhaust extension...
Need turn signal lights...