I bolted the frame to the car today, not without some intrepidation.
I used lag bolts into the plastic body, not real strong.
I wired up the tail lights and brake lights. I bought 14 gauge wire, but looking at the saturn wiring, 16 gauge would have worked. I soldered the ground wire to the frame. I have a set of motorcycle turn signals, but the lamp holders are too corroded to use, to bad....they were nice and small with parabolic reflectors. Looks like the licence plate is too big to fit in the flat. I 'll have to tilt it to make it narrower.
I bought some 12 volt SMD LED strips off e-bay, They seem bright enough.
I an going to weld on one more cross member near the bumper, finish the lights and then skin it. Hopefully it will be ready in time for the foxhunt tonight.
Tail and brake lights wired up. Have a wire for turn signals too: I used the $5.45 light with amber front lens, I covered the inside with foil. They are brighter, when looking straight in, than the stock tail lights. [IMGhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/26437850@N02/8172328858/in/photostream[/IMG]
Coroplast cover on ,ready for a interstate test...too much work!