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Old 11-12-2012, 07:31 AM   #7 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Ol' Reliable - '02 Saturn SL2
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
Anything with a transverse engine is not a real SUV
Yeah, yeah, I know. Thing is, I have a real SUV and it would have only returned me 18 miles for every gallon on that exact same trip under those conditions.
I use the term "suv" loosely in regards to the Vue. I guess "crossover" is probably a more accurate term.

You guys really like to split hairs, don't you.

I'm driving it to work for a couple of days to see what kind of number I can back that 34 up with. My daily commute is 80 miles round trip and it's a similar drive to my parts chasing run. I'd drive it for a full week but my wife pouts when she has to drive my beat up old SL and the Expedition uses TWICE the fuel of her Vue.
Conditions were terrible this morning comming to work though (35deg, raining, and 20mph headwind). I'm not overly hopeful on repeating a 34mpg average.
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