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Old 11-10-2012, 09:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Ol' Reliable - '02 Saturn SL2
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34mpg from an SUV! no tricks-just careful driving!

Like the title said, just got 34mpg from our 2004 Saturn Vue.

I had to make a run to go chase down some parts out of town (craigslist find) so I took my wife's Vue knowing that it had enough room for what I was getting (my SL2 just didn't have the room) and was going to be a bit better on gas than our Expedition (duh!). I filled up at the gas station before I left pumping in $.70 extra after the "click" (I always cram that last little bit in there). I took off, drove there and back and then refilled at the exact same pump and put in exactly $.70 after the "click" (in an attempt to be consistent). Figured up the mileage and it came out to exactly 34.0mpg.

The conditions were favorable but not ideal
-temp was in the 50's, dropping into the high 40's on the way home
-wind was 15-ish mph from the south/south-east (I was heading east); dying down somewhat on the return trip
-it was all 2-lane highway (55mph) but there were a couple of cities to pass through along the way (complete with countless ill-timed stoplights ).
-I employed no hyper-mileing tricks; no EOC, No P&G, no drafting, nothing but careful driving, shifts at not more than 2000 rpm, cruise set at 57-58mph, and a good amount of coasting to stops; a very repeatable driving style for me.

Now, the trip was only like 74miles so my results are hardly definitive. However, it was VERY encouraging to me to see a number like that as I feel that I can repeat that drive pretty easily and, theoretically, that mpg. There was nothing special about that trip to get an artificially high mpg # (no strong tail wind or Semi to draft for 40 miles at a time) and I did everything in my power to control error (aside from taking a longer trip). Time will tell though if I can really repeat that accomplishment. Ultimately though, I'm stoked and hopeful. A few minor mods could have me into the mid-upper 30's with a very roomy, comfortable, and versatile vehicle.

I'll probably take it to work next week (80mi a day) and see what I can average during my typical commute, which has similar conditions to my "parts chasing" run. A weeks worth of driving should give me a reliable mpg # for mixed highway.

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Old 11-10-2012, 10:53 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Strong southern winds could have skewed your results. Still impressive though.

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Old 11-10-2012, 11:21 PM   #3 (permalink)
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silver bullet - '00 Honda Civic
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that's really good for a small suv...my last few tanks on the civic have been 34mpg

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Old 11-11-2012, 02:23 AM   #4 (permalink)
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This is about the same as I had gotten on my wife's Vue on long highway driving. They are good little cars. I have a hard time calling it an SUV though.
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Old 11-11-2012, 08:37 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by darcane View Post
I have a hard time calling it an SUV though.
Anything with a transverse engine is not a real SUV
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Old 11-11-2012, 08:44 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Congratulations !
I'll be lucky to break 35 MPG in my Civic this tank.
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Old 11-12-2012, 07:31 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Ol' Reliable - '02 Saturn SL2
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
Anything with a transverse engine is not a real SUV
Yeah, yeah, I know. Thing is, I have a real SUV and it would have only returned me 18 miles for every gallon on that exact same trip under those conditions.
I use the term "suv" loosely in regards to the Vue. I guess "crossover" is probably a more accurate term.

You guys really like to split hairs, don't you.

I'm driving it to work for a couple of days to see what kind of number I can back that 34 up with. My daily commute is 80 miles round trip and it's a similar drive to my parts chasing run. I'd drive it for a full week but my wife pouts when she has to drive my beat up old SL and the Expedition uses TWICE the fuel of her Vue.
Conditions were terrible this morning comming to work though (35deg, raining, and 20mph headwind). I'm not overly hopeful on repeating a 34mpg average.
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Old 11-12-2012, 09:02 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CHAOS View Post
cruise set at 57-58mph, and a good amount of coasting to stops
Bingo! Anyone doing these things should be able to handily beat the EPA on just about any vehicle out there.

Project MPGiata! Mods for getting 50+ MPG from a 1990 Miata
Honda mods: Ecomodding my $800 Honda Fit 5-speed beater
Mitsu mods: 70 MPG in my ecomodded, dirt cheap, 3-cylinder Mirage.
Ecodriving test: Manual vs. automatic transmission MPG showdown

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Old 11-14-2012, 12:35 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Ol' Reliable - '02 Saturn SL2
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Well, the follow up run was disappointing, to say the least. Old man winter was conspiring against me and he won; 157.4mi and 5.60gallons or 28.1mpg.

-Both days I fought 20mph headwinds from the west (straight at me) all the way to work.
-by afternoon the wind had died down and became variable at 5-10mph, and shifted slighty south, so no real "tailwind" effect to help make up for the horrendous morning.
-temps were in the low/mid 30's on Mon. and mid 20's on Tues. Afternoon highs were mid 30's both days.
-Some data logging revealed that I am lugging it too much with my 1800rpm shift points as there were far too many spikes in the 90-100% engine load range for my liking.

Between all of this my mileage was pretty aweful. Over the last 2 fillups I've averaged 31, which isn't bad for this vehicle, but I wanted more. Anyway, I walked away defeated and returned the Vue to my loving wife, who HAPPILY took it and gave me back my ugly gold SL2.
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Old 11-14-2012, 11:23 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CHAOS View Post
Well, the follow up run was disappointing, to say the least. Old man winter was conspiring against me and he won; 157.4mi and 5.60gallons or 28.1mpg.

-Both days I fought 20mph headwinds from the west (straight at me) all the way to work.
-by afternoon the wind had died down and became variable at 5-10mph, and shifted slighty south, so no real "tailwind" effect to help make up for the horrendous morning.
-temps were in the low/mid 30's on Mon. and mid 20's on Tues. Afternoon highs were mid 30's both days.
-Some data logging revealed that I am lugging it too much with my 1800rpm shift points as there were far too many spikes in the 90-100% engine load range for my liking.

Between all of this my mileage was pretty aweful. Over the last 2 fillups I've averaged 31, which isn't bad for this vehicle, but I wanted more. Anyway, I walked away defeated and returned the Vue to my loving wife, who HAPPILY took it and gave me back my ugly gold SL2.
Nice job. 34 long term would be quite an accomplishment without really pulling out all the stops including EOC. I have a Subaru Forester with 2.5L 4 and 5spd manual (similar class vehicle to yours) and I have been able to push mine to just north of 30mpg average, long term, with a lot of the type of driving you describe and once in a while I'll do some EOC but not often. The AWD on my vehicle limits is a mpg drag but it's one of the reasons I bought it.

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