I'm past due for an update.
So, about a month ago, I changed the diffuser angle. And I used a piece of cardboard instead of coro, next to the right rear tire because that's all I had. (I never took pictures specifically of the changes, so sorry for the distant shots.)
With everything else that has been going on lately, it's hard for me to tell if it made any difference, but I would say it seemed like coast down time was slightly increased.
However, it doesn't look like that anymore...
It's been snowing today, and while out testing my "new to me", all-season tires, slush was packing on top of the belly pan. And ya, part of it came down. That's what I get for going from one project to the next before the first one is finished.
"Take the time it takes, so it takes less time."
So, this afternoon, I took everything down from the middle of the RAV back. I think the rest can stay. The front looks great, despite having large shelves next to the front tires. The slush can fall off towards the back easy enough.
This project will have to wait until Spring before I can work on it anymore.
I'll be working on the wheel covers and rear skirts here and there this Winter.