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Old 11-18-2012, 03:47 AM   #23 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Apr 2011
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I havent cleared out my laptop , gotten a mouse , or anything yet , only doodled some with a 2d physics program. I made a working model , hard to do with the program but its easy to use just takes more time positioning and tweaking.. and theres also the fact that the program isnt completely accurate , sometimes the materials miss each other , like pass through instead of contact.... blehh....

So my first working model I realized that my power input the way it was supplied did not translate into a real working model , it would work if the crank was turned , but if the pistons were moved it would freespin some.

So back to the drawing board , I realized why not use a seperate model to simulate piston force , *crankshaft and electric motor* although it gives constant torque even on upstroke , I can negate that aspect by assuming a multicylinder engine.

So after doing that , I got a new working model just need to fine tune everything get specs so can work smoothly and not intermittently. Then i will be moving onto real life prototype after seeing if things can be simplified or improved on even more.
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