A couple more views of the "Green Turd". Not too good for gas mileage, but really fun to drive otherwise.
The one with Bob & me was after our successful "Silver State Challenge" run, where we placed 6th in the "105 MPH class". In these classes, the goal is to come as close as possible to the target speed (105 MPH in this case). Due to a miscalculation by your truly, we missed it by almost 2 seconds (slow), putting us behind 5 others who came closer.
We were a little behind & Bob told me I'd better speed up & pick up some time in the last mile or so. I had it accelerating pretty good and saw the finish line coming up as he started counting down the seconds to our target time. For some reason, a few seconds before we crossed the line, I thought we were going to be too quick, so I took my foot off the gas. Well, that turned out to be not such a good decision. Oh well, for our first time ever trying that, I don't feel too bad. :-)