I no longer feel that everyone has me on Ignore.
oil pan 4 -- You'll notice that is predicated on converting 3% of the world's land (not arable land) area. What's the chance of that happening. I think it's there to make a point about the viability of their technology.
I think everything built going forward should accommodate increasingly hotter *and* colder conditions. Because of this:
global warming trigger an ice age. I've said before my money's on runaway greenhouse causes an Ice Age, and the whiplash is what does us in.
niky -- Google.org is only asking for an initial 100,000.
Originally Posted by Arragonis
So what do we do to effect the changes that might be required - what policies to use, how should they be enacted ? How do you go from where we are now to where you think we should be ?
I think the answer is 'enacting policies' is impotent. Disruptive technology can come from a single Buckminster-Fulleresque individual. Like this guy:
Iron-Dumping Experiment in Pacific Alarms Marine Experts ...
Oct 18, 2012 – An environmental entrepreneur scattered 100 tons of iron dust in the Pacific Ocean this summer without any academic or government oversight, ..
Does anyone need to know what Hadicol is?