Well, I just read through this again, and I now think to make the test as fair as possible, I'll "SeaFoam" my engine shortly before I start the test. Otherwise, this miracle product may enjoy an unfair advantage from cleaning a somewhat dirty engine. Mr. Salesman shouldn't mind, because he said there was no way of cleaning it that good short of taking it completely apart. Therefore the SeaFoam treatment would undoubtedly be insignificant.
Stopped by a couple places in town, and it's starting to appear you can't buy this AmsOil stuff off the shelf. Makes sense - make it available only through a salesman so he can give you the "line" and maybe convince you to buy some more of his stuff while he's at it. I'll keep looking for a source and in the meantime, do the SeaFoam treatment & oil change to get the engine up to "reasonable cleanliness standards" before testing the "miracle chemical".
Oh, I know - I'll do an "A-B-A" test before & after the SeaFoam too & see if THAT makes any difference. OK, getting excited now!!!