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Old 11-30-2012, 11:44 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RustyLugNut View Post
I would challenge your claim that using WVO WILL cause failure of components. It would be better said that poorly conceived and executed WVO systems can cause component failure. Choosing the right vehicle is the most important step. Inline injection pumps as found in early Mercedes are an advantage. Proper filtration, heating and vehicle maintenance will provide you with an economical and reliable mode of transport.
I agree, theres a big difference between what he's doing and a proper WVO or biodiesel setup. Single tank WVO where he's not factoring in any other costs is the definition of a poorly conceived and executed system. Simply heating and filtering fuel is not enough and he knows it. I guess some people only learn the hard way.

I've gone through the same process you describe and one step further to create real biodiesel through transesterification. It was a fun project and the car ran fine on it but its not worth it for me to produce in small batches. For other it is and I'm all for that. Good quality bio diesel can actually increase the life of the injection pump and injectors.
Originally Posted by Joeggernaut View Post
Can someone please explain to me how he is able to acheive that big of a difference in mpg with WVO compared to regular diesel when WVO has less energy density than diesel? The science just doesn't match his claim.

Energy density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or is he factoring that he only used 3 gallons of store diesel into his mpg calculation?
He's pretending WVO is magical free fuel so he's not counting those gallons into his calculation.

I can see why this is so tempting especially in Hawaii where diesel fuel is about $1 more per gallon than gasoline. But the long term costs of running single tank WVO far outweigh any savings.

Last edited by tjts1; 11-30-2012 at 11:58 AM..
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