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Old 12-06-2012, 08:44 PM   #15 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Michigan
Posts: 304

sr185 bullet - '81 Yamaha SR185 streamliner
Team Streamliner
90 day: 96.35 mpg (US)

Sunny Colarado - '06 Chevrolet Colarado WT
90 day: 24.18 mpg (US)

cbr250s - '12 Honda cbr250
90 day: 115.29 mpg (US)
Thanks: 27
Thanked 71 Times in 46 Posts
Although, I kind of want to do the streamlining to the Rebel so that an air cooled vehicle is running in the Vetter Fuel Efficiency Challenges. I love this old reb, she can run on corn or gas.
My sr185 has run in both ohio vetter challenges, and I plan to continue running it. I am air cooled, and have found that it can work quite well. the less fuel you consume, the less heat you put out. I achieved cooling last year by installing small cpu fans on either side of the jug, and an oil cooler patched into the oil filter circuit. a head temp sensor is an absolute must, at least for developement. take a stock control reading on a hot day after a long distance ride. then make sure that you can keep your head temp at or near (within 10-15 deg F) this mark. this will keep you safe. I am going to attempt to completely force cool my rig this year by building a shroud for the cylinder and head, and attaching a blower. I should be testing this soon, so I will let you know how it turns out.
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