Nice MPT, I hope to get it to shut off the backlight again when it is unattended so hopefully we will be at 37mA by the time the car interior ramps up. Still 165, that is pretty hot
re: injPulses (count), I haven't really looked at it, but eventually we can compute RPM from it, at least for many cars, but I would expect a number equal to the number of rising edges in a half second? So if you gave it a 10hz signal it should say 5, and a 100hz signal IC should say 50.
attachInterrupt(1, processInjClosed, RISING);
void processInjClosed(void){
tmpTrip.injHius += elapsedMicroseconds(injHiStart);
tmpTrip.injPulses++; //IC incremented here, and displayed and reset every .5 second