Thanks HHOTDI! I'm flattered indeed - but fear there's little hope & no help for me lol

Seriously though, the main reason I post this madness is if someone should wish to do something similar, to build their own abomination of sorts - they may take heed of my mistakes, to shortcut the learning curve & jump ahead w/far fewer do-overs & time spent simply searching for stuff lol... speaking of;
It's getting progressively more & more difficult to take any meaningful pics of the progress as it seems most of the time I've spent of late has been diggin' through my old notes - trying to catch up with what I was doing just one short season ago lol, for example I'd made detailed schematics of the lighting & accessories harness & had any number of copies jus' laying about, but the schematic I needed to continue was no more than an identifier for the twenty pin pedal boom connector, jotted down in haste on the back of one of my notebooks & for the life of me I couldn't remember where it was...
...after way too long searching I did finally find it & psyched to continue on I grabbed a multimeter, continuity tester, soldering gun & torch and thus armed, joyfully dived into sorting out the mess of wires I dared call a harness to be. Yet before I could even burn a finger I discovered I'd wasted my time & much unnecessary frustration by hunting for stuff I didn't need - as a far more dutiful previous me had very carefully labeled every single wire to be found with tiny tags of masking tape & a fine point sharpie.
Well alrighty then, apparently I'm smarter than me... or at least I was lol
Anyhoo, once that momentary panic settled down to mere embarrassment things progressed quite nicely, in a slight haze of resin smoke wires joined together with ease (I do so love that smell) and I achieved another "milestone" that being completing the relayed main power supplies for both the 36 & 12v systems, activated via keyed switch, powered by the onboard 12v SLA - which now done, means I can move on to sorting out the snarled mess of electrical components and their connectors, senders & switches, the last "major" task this project awaits! There's still a buncha "minor" ones, but the harness is the hurdle I've feared heh
Another very short lil vid, again prolly not terribly exciting for anyone other'n me... but I will admit I did spend some time just switching the relay bank on & off again listening to the clicking sound & watching the dash light up w/a mayhaps disproportionate glee;
MVI_2330 - YouTube
I did however manage a few other things as well, such as sorting out the right hand side "battery" tray (misnamed as it's a batt tray no longer ofc) and dropping of the rear wheel w/the hub motor & new rim to be built.
Here's summore pics jus' for the heck of it - note the almost terrifying mess of wires in the third pic, which isn't actually nearly as terrifying as it may seem at a glance as they're almost all just for the assorted sending units the Vapor dash requires, all of which are overly long and will be trimmed down to fit, better too much than not enough I figure lol;