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Old 12-13-2012, 01:50 PM   #81 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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This is a funny thread to read, lots of offshoots.

Every time I try and pencil out electric anything if find it dies quickly when comparing it to a gasoline engine. It’s easy to make 750W motor look good against a 35HP engine, but your comparing apples to oranges. With the battery pack you’re looking at $1000 in drive train. I have seen 4-stroke 49cc gas engines for $60. Add a chain and some other fab and you got $100, more power, range, and its lighter. Don’t get me wrong, I love electric power, it’s my thing, but it just does not work right now.

So back to Mr. Vetter’s topic, would people buy the kit? Maybe a couple, but I don’t think enough to bother. The reason is the same as why Sendler is building his electric bike. It’s cool to create something that’s your own. This forum is full of very opinionated people with their own ideas that they want to see through. Yes, Vetter’s design might be the most efficient open-sided streamliner. That will not keep people from wanting to do their own thing. I think that’s what makes eco-modding great!

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