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Old 12-13-2012, 08:05 PM   #486 (permalink)
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New Coke

Somebody asked the bosses at Coca Cola, after they'd pulled New Coke and reintroduced Coke Classic, if it wasn't all a plot, a conspiracy to generate buzz, interest and sales. The executive said, "We're neither that smart nor that stupid."

If this cockamamie idea worked, the motor companies would be all over it, and not to try to subdue it, no way. The first one to patent a working, provable process would own it and could deliver cars that got crazy mileage running on water. Even if the damned car looked like a piece of half-rotten plywood, sales would be crazy high all the time. Running on water? Just take a whiz into the tank and drive away! Pour a rain bucket into the tank!

But that hasn't happened. It isn't going to happen because anecdotal evidence notwithstanding, "research" from assorted "satisfied customers" notwithstanding, it doesn't work. It takes more energy to dissociate water into HHO than the HHO releases when recombining back into water.

The other idea about capturing more of the heat otherwise wasted in the IC cycle is way smarter. Stirling engine/generators instead of radiators, or Seebeck devices on the exhaust pipe, will deliver more and better benefits than wasting part of the engine's output electrolyzing water, only to get a small portion of that energy back when the HHO is recombined in the cylinders.

I'm desubscribing this thread. I only joined to see what kind of silliness came up, I honestly hoped it would get nothing but catcalls.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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