Have you placed any bets whether the Original Poster will revisit his thread?
If anyone knows of any components that would be good to consider, I would appreciate the input ... I like the input I've seen so far and need to go back and re-read the thread for details, but I like where y'all are going and would like to be a part. Does anyone here have Solidworks?
I went back and read the thread. The OP wanted to start up a business he could be Chairman of the Board of and everybody else wanted to talk 'retarded camshaft motorcycle engine'. A lot of re-inventing of reverse trikes.
It sounds like the T-Rex is you point of comparison. For a project vehicle I would look at:
and if you want to disrupt the auto industry
Search the Ecomodder Forum for 'Reverse Trike' and get 1350 results. HydroJim has some recent threads.