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Old 06-14-2008, 12:53 PM   #49 (permalink)
Bror Jace
Recycling Nazi
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Do women care about being efficient? Sure, but not at the expense of a whole lot of other things not related to efficiency."

It's feeling versus thinking.

Women tend to be right brained ... they say they care, the vote for the gov't to give 'free' things to people and they say they care about the environment, etc ... many are also self-centered and won't do anything for the environment if it means extra work or the slightest discomfort ...

So, if you want a problem solved, you need to give it to a thinker, not some hopeless feeler ... and that, more often than not, means a man.

That's why environmentally-related bulletin boards are dominated by men. The boards involving problem solving through yoga, meditation, reading self-help books or power-through-song therapy are where you will find the women.

As for my redneck bretheren, there are fewer and fewer of them buying ridiculous tires for their massive trucks. $4 gas has something to do with it. They're learning ... albeit slowly. The difference is the clueless bimbos won't learn at all.

All tendencies, of course.
--- Bror Jace
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