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Old 01-05-2013, 02:23 AM   #27 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by niky View Post
I'm not vegan, though I eat a lot of veggies and have friends who are. Personally, the keyword is moderation and variety. We can't go veggie now, not with two growing kids in the house, and the poor availability of the variety of veggie protein needed to support growing kids locally, but I expect eventually we'll go pescatarian, again. I lived that way for several years.
Aren't fava beans and chickpeas available there? Those are a good source of vegetable protein, alongside soybeans. But I wouldn't really incentive you to go vegan or enforce your kids to do so.

About the "pescatarian" deal: maybe I could eventually do so, I see no problem doing that. Kidney beans are a good source of iron, so maybe the absence of red meat wouldn't bother me so much.