TIn addition to redpoint5's two options above, there's a third: have states increase their gasoline taxes. I would do that along with using income taxes to partially fund highway infrastructure.
Income tax - as redpoint5 says, we all benefit from the roads, so all should pay.
Increased fuel tax - the European method. Nothing wrong with raising the rate in the face of dropping consumption. There's nothing like $5 or $6 or more per gallon to get people to conserve. If you think $3.xx is your limit, you may have to choose between not using it or stealing it. Some say that's basically what we're doing at $3.xx/gallon because apparently the real cost is higher.
I'm modding for FE in preparation for those higher prices that may well arrive. Not just for today's prices.
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.
Last edited by brucepick; 01-08-2013 at 08:18 AM..
Reason: Fix typo