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Old 01-14-2013, 03:28 PM   #60 (permalink)
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4-5" of headroom is hardly excessive. I have it set up so if you roll the thing your head won't be the thing hitting the ground. There's a rollbar in the front and back.
Fair enough, maybe hats will come back.

The whole thing about exposed the suspension and the wheeling fairing is being over dramatized.
Did you look at the design HydroJim posted? Construction being equal, those fenders would have less weight and better cross-wind aerodynamics. Even though his would work better aerodynamically if they were turned front-to-back.

The two-dimensional streamlining you use is comparable to the Tromphenwagen.

An ideal streamline shape would have a blunt nose and a convex taper in the rear, instead of the ogee curve you use (and you wouldn't lose that spare tire.

Why did you delete the enclosing fairing on the rear suspension from your intermediate design?

Last edited by freebeard; 01-14-2013 at 03:33 PM..
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