It's a 2WD sport model.
I'll be driving from Austin, TX to Oak Ridge, TN, then Indianapolis, IN, then back to Austin. Almost the entire trip will be freeway.
So far, I've inflated the tires to 44 PSI (sidewall maximum) and taped up the front top grille, and blocked 1/4 of the side portion of the lower grille. Driven around on a 45F night, the thermostat was still only partially opening, with coolant at 185F. Fans come on at 198-199F. I've also put weatherstripping in the hood gaps.
Thanks again everyone for the great ideas and advice. This is my opportunity to show my wife that eco mods and hypermiling are worthwhile pursuits, and I might get a few less eyerolls from her over the aerocap I'm putting on my F150.