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Old 01-24-2013, 02:33 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by HilseeJ View Post
Well.... I do? My CEL would blink when I was EOC'ing and I've had to replace 2 parts that would be associated with damage related to EOC'ing via key-off.
I installed a kill switch in August by cutting the wire from the ECU to the main fuel pump relay. You can do it this way, but it will trip the vehicle immobilizer and you'll end up having to cycle the ignition to reset that before starting. My MIL flashes if I kill the engine with the switch (cutting the fuel), but not if I turn the key off and on. The MIL disappears after several seconds of EOC in either case, and doesn't reappear when the car is bump started. 2005 Civic, BTW.

If you figure out a way around the immobilizer, I'm dying to know, and I know at least one other Honda owner on this board is too!
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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