Originally Posted by 320touring
It appears the AAZ lump in my car has a mechanical pump- And I, for one, am glad of it
should be relatively simple to increase output and torque between fuel pump and turbo (both manually adjustable)- meaning I can use smaller throttle settings for the same torque.
the only downside is that the mechanical pump means no DFCO- if the engine is spinning, the pump is pumping..
However, I have a cunning plan- I can set the idle point lower than the current 980rpm, and just knock the car into neutral approaching roundabouts/junctions/lights etc
also, I'm chasing you down.. 338.7 miles so far, on less than 1/2 of a 55L tank
Nice, lucky you. Can't wait to see some more fillups! Anyway Berta is now on #7 because of the weather (-8C and lots of snow), and because of me (I was constantly in a hurry
) But after filling up and 110km of driving MPGuino is showing nice 25.6 km/l So there's a hope for me to jump up the list again