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Old 01-27-2013, 12:10 PM   #11 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Posts: 19

Tadpole - '89 Honda CRX HF
90 day: 60.33 mpg (US)
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Thanked 3 Times in 2 Posts
new guy, very successful ecomodder ecomodder

I am at the bottom of the learning curve to operate on this site. If there is another coyote_X, sorry, the administrator indicated coyoteX was available. I don't fully understand the 5 post requirement before adding pictures. Do I need to post at least 5 times to other threads before I can add photos here?

In reply to Gealii's post, an improvement of 5-10 mpg can be realized by re-configuring how the air gets in and out of the radiator. Most cars are designed for the worst case scenarios, 100+ outside temp, sitting still in traffic with A/C on.

On my buddies '01 Sunfire, it only required removing the diverter piece of plastic just inside the front air opening. The piece of plastic under the car that looks like an air dam. It was located too far behind the bumper. Removing the phony wing off of the trunk lid. Those stupid looking things only create drag you will never drive fast enough for any improved down force. You can create more downforce with a diffusser and create reduced drag at the same time. After removing those aero inefficient parts, it was just a matter of making a mask for the front that smoothed out the airflow, making certain that the farthest point forward was the lowest part of the car. This is the most important factor when playing with airflow on cars in general, "the farthest forward part must be the lowest part.

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