Yes - the reason I find this car so interesting, is that it is the first car in Europe since the VW Lupe 3L and Audi A2 that seems to be able to get constitant results under the 3,33 ltr. pr. 100 km mark with a good eco driver. And It cheap too. (for our standards) And not many peope noticed it, maby except for the Frensh - best selling car i France at the moment I belive.
But the avarage driver, which pays no attention to eco driving or hypermiling tekniques, will of coruse not be alble to get the high mpg numbers. Most likely they will get areound 4 ltr. pr. 100 km. Which is also not bad, but not oustanding compared to many of the new "minies" hitting the marked, as for instance VW Up etc. But these cars are made for midgets. The Twingo is same size as my Yaris, and I wont fint in anything smaller