Originally Posted by Jyden
Yes - the reason I find this car so interesting, is that it is the first car in Europe since the VW Lupe 3L and Audi A2 that seems to be able to get constitant results under the 3,33 ltr. pr. 100 km mark with a good eco driver. And It cheap too. (for our standards) And not many peope noticed it, maby except for the Frensh - best selling car i France at the moment I belive.
Don't forget the AX diesel which is 10 years older than the Lupo 3L. With mine (post 94), I've been getting 15% better then the official 90 km/h FE. And the 92-94 version was rated at 3,3 l which would mean sub-3 l.
OK, one could argue that they've never seen such figures out of an AX. But I don't have the feeling to have a completely abnormal driving to achieve that. I just drive in the right lane and never brake. Maybe, it's just that the car never came into the hands of true hypermilers.