I have knowledge tho of filtration charts against regular paper filters, and against flow/filtration against brands like AEM, Airaid, Amsoil, K&N and S&B.
Dust capacity is how much it can collect before it chokes. K&N had the highest dust capacity at 167g, followed by Airaid 126g, S&B 96.8g, AEM 73.6 and Amsoil caught the least at 39g.
As far as efficiency, AEM ranked top with 99.41%, Airaid 98.43%, Amsoil 98.29%, S&B 98.05% and last was K&N with 96.13%.
As far as I know a paper filter isn't as good at trapping dirt than an oiled cotton gauze filer, unless they let the filter go dirty. paper has large gaps and isn't very air frendly compared to cotton. unless cotton somehow turns to silica or the oils used contain silica.