The bike is on hold till after I replace the clutch (bummer) but I can still answer some stuff about it:
All of my lights sans headlamp, are led.
Signals: 0.3 watt leds x2 on at a time = .6w
...............0.3 watt brake light x 12 = 4w
..........55/65 watt h4 headlight = 55w most of the time
Total power draw: 60w most of the time.
The truck to peltier cells is to make a junction with three of them (buying in bulk is cheaper anyways, you can always sell what you don't use.) Two hots on the engine, one flipped on its cold side and attached to the cold side of one of the others. Then wiring the solo cell to heat pump from the engine/exhaust to your power generating cell.
The solo cell acts as a boost to your power generating cell. Using the third cell to to create more intense cool, and a higher temp difference, giving you more power.
As for the skin:
I have hundreds of 4x8 coroplast signs that I can use to test fairing designs before I cut a skin for it.
The car comes first until it warms up enough to want a bike again.