Originally Posted by razor02097
I'm not sure how you change lanes but when I do the steering wheel doesn't move much more than the normal corrective actions of a road I.E. bumps, small curves, centering up in the lane, etc.
I ain't a cop bud... I just know if a cop asks to search I say "Officer I do not consent to searches" then keep my mouth shut.
They will not need to ask. They will have probable cause. "we observed you speeding we have probable cause to pull your black box data to confirm it". If they have probable cause then they don't need your permission. Any other information that is gleaned during an officers duty is admissible as evidence.
Originally Posted by razor02097
Ever notice how a lot of those GPS units are wildly inaccurate? I know because I have 3. Speed limit changes can take months. Then you have to use a computer to update so those black boxes have to have a way to OTA the updates.
Won't that be fun, keeping your mandated box updated. Then dealing with incorrect data causing tickets after a simple traffic stop.
Originally Posted by razor02097
Getting pulled over for a traffic violation does not automatically give probable cause to search your vehicle. Many drivers have a GPS which shows your max speed. How many officers pull them over then charge them with speeding based on that GPS reading?
Pulling black box data after a violation is a very common move for the FAA, what makes you so sure that it would not implemented in such a way as to allow law enforcement that same leeway?
Your GPS is not required to be tested, certified, or meet any performance standards.
FAA certified GPS has a Required Navigational Performance (RPN). If for some reason the GPS is not performing to that standard it illuminates an anuncator. If data is going to be collected on the road, it will have to be certifiable correct, not hard to include a notation if the GPS was performing to a legally admissible standard.
The inverse of this article will also be true once a government mandated (and certified to some CFR) box is installed.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.