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Old 03-02-2013, 04:20 PM   #19 (permalink)
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OD - '05 Ford Econoline
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Benzilla - '85 Mercedes Benz 300D
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I don't have an oil temp gauge to verify that the oil is running hotter with the 15w40. If it were, would that mean that the oil would be transferring more heat away from the bearings and cylinder walls?

Have you collected oil temperature data showing that you car runs hotter with heavier oil? I am sure you have a source of your data.

The ultragauge shows the same coolant temp. 192-198°F no matter what oil I have used. When I have run garage installed oil it has been 5w20. It turns dark pretty quickly and the engine seems to use a quart per 1000 miles. I don't notice the consumption when running either Rotella or MFA 15w40.
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” George Orwell

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe.

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed.”

Noah Webster, 1787
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