Oh I'll have to check that out - and send him a message asking how he got such great economy haha
I've figured out a little more about it, I'm getting better at benefiting from it over time. I found that if I tap the break under 20mph the engine will cut off and it will coast to a stop, then under 6 if I depress the break and hold it, with climate control and wipers off it will auto idle - assuming battery charge and temperature are agreeable.
And I did! I joined the cr-z forum and apparently there are a few people in my area that have one, Ive only seen one so far at the gas pump last week, we both talked about not having seen any others with one since we've had it (very few sold so far, I think <20k up through the 2012 model) and he said he likes the milano red on mine better than the silver he had on his haha.
Thanks again! You've been really helpful.