The OP reminds me of the days I worked second shift at the warehouse... changing batteries in the pickers was a dreadful task... They were heavy, they were cumbersome, and lining everything up sucked.
I believe refueling times would only be reduced more than the fast chargers is to have a consumable that could be replenished quickly... as in a fuel... which kind of defeats the purpose IMO. People demand more range and shorter charging times... Upping the voltage and amperage of the charging side has cost and risk.... Combining all of the issues with the regulations that cars have to go through carrying all the weight of safety equipment....something has to give.
Sure in theory plug it in while you sleep is a great solution. Unless the issue is your drive exceeds the range or if for whatever reason someone forgot to plug it in (say the spouse or kid borrows it and forgets to plug it back in) or you need your vehicle for whatever reason off the normal cycle of charge/use.