Originally Posted by Air-Hybrid
There's recyclable and 'Recyclable' - the aluminium beer can is still pretty much all elemental metal, so it only has to be melted back down again; a tiny fraction of the energy needed to electrically reduce (aka split-off oxygens) your Al2O3 powder in an arc furnace.
-Yes, we know that.
Originally Posted by Air-Hybrid
Not 'price' in terms of energy it doesn't. But, that aside, what evidence is there that using aluminium to make [some?] H2 that is to 'assist' a gasoline engine will save you or me any money whatsoever?
-It's in several studies
Originally Posted by Air-Hybrid
...but I wouldn't bother using this (or any other) method to add H2 into a car engine, as the returns will be, at best, unnoticeable.
-Far from true
Originally Posted by Air-Hybrid
... As an aside, there are Aluminium-Air (electrical) batteries that hold much promise for the future of BEVs. 
-Promisses promisses... but I really hope so!

such as Graphene batteries...
I'm all forward to "Low cost production/resource available/recyclable/nano/efficient electric batteries" and I'm hopping for that day to come.