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Old 03-13-2013, 07:53 PM   #27 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: lisbon
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I just want to add this thoughs to the forum:

How can you make a car move?

Remember that a car is HEAVY and you need all that weight to move a long distance also!
Sometimes we forget the massive energy it takes to do this. A litle physics classes, formulas, density energy tables and research can help a lot at first instead of go waisting money in home diy experiments by impulse.

Dedicated forums like this are priceless and doing projects together with members that share the same views instead of diy can make huge difference at your wallet!
remember we live in an information era (now I'm in the toilet writing this and probably saving a mithbuster's on cable how cool is that?), just be careful about miss or outdated information on the web.

Don't be aggressive or act like "I'm the supreme genius" in the forums, if you were genious you probably wouldn't be here anyway. We all share the same interests and we are always learning.

A back-yard personal specific solution is not the way, otherwise soon we'll be making plastic pirolysis or going scavaging for used oil from macdonalds across the street to put in an old merc w123 or having a pig farm to extract fat or some other crazy idea...
It has to be a method for the masses that works in real world full scale comsumptin.

After that said, and returning to the question above, when you think about putting energy into motion, all you have is PRESSURE or electricity flow (witch some can call it some type of pressure). ICE, nuclear with turbines, thermo and photo electric, batteries...)

I think PRESSURE is the key and we should look at it.

Best regards.
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