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Old 06-19-2008, 01:55 AM   #46 (permalink)
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It will make a huge difference. The attached picture is a top view of the trailer.
The black box is the original trailer.
The red line is the new coroplast nose.
The green line is the path that an air molecule would take around the original black box trailer (this is technically know as a "streamline").
The blue line is the path an air molecule will take around the new red-nosed trailer.
The olive-yellow line is one-half of the outline of a round-nosed trailer that would have similar drag to the original square black box trailer. In other words, you get the drag of the outline of the "ripple" you make in the airstream. A smaller squared-off shape can make the same "ripple" as a much larger streamlined shape, and have the same drag. Or to put it another way, squared off shapes make ripples much larger than you might think. Streamlined shapes make a ripple no larger than the size of the shape.
Attached Thumbnails
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