Originally Posted by 320touring
I currently have a BMW 328 with LPG setup (basically the same kit as CNG) and a Diesel VW Golf that I run on a mix of veg/diesel (a poor man's bio, if you will)
CNG fuel systems are more overbuilt than LPG ones, since their working pressures are also higher. I'm aware of some accidents due to the refuelling of LPG-converted vehicles with CNG...
LPG kits might be easier to get in America, most notably EPA-certified ones, than an EPA-certified CNG kit. It's also worth to note that some Chinese-made non-EPA-certified kits have a lower safety standard, so it wouldn't worth the risk to use them in America due to the CNG pressure back there. In China there are still some CNG refuelling stations which have pressures around 1800psi...