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Old 03-22-2013, 03:34 PM   #104 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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To use pure vegetable oils, I wouldn't mind to overhaul the injector pump and eventually replace all its gaskets and seals to reduce the risks.

Originally Posted by mechman600 View Post
I would say a diesel aftertreatment system costs as much (if not more than) a hybrid system. It is also 1000 times more trouble prone.
Diesel aftertreatment systems are still cheaper to manufacture than a hybrid driveline, altough they're really a few times more trouble-prone

BUT...a necessary evil. Keeps emissions down and keeps trucks in my shop.
Actually, taking into account the higher fuel consumption, the requirement for the DEF and all the footprint of an enhancement in oil drilling, refining and its logistics until it reaches the refuelling station, and also all the production chain of the DEF, it makes me quite skeptical about the effectiveness of those aftertreatment systems...
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