Been Hypermilling, now I want to see what else I can do
I purchased a 2010 Mazda 3 i Sport with a 5-speed two years ago brand new off the lot. I drove aggressively with it up until I got tired of getting pulled over for speeding. I slowed down on the interstate from 80mph to 60mph and tried to keep my RPM at 2k on Street travel, pressing on the gas lightly. I also lightened up my car of all clutter which helped. I was sold when I went on a road trip to Desitin Beach, Fl and drove 55mph most of the way and exceeded 400 miles before my low fuel light triped. This was inconceivable prior to that.
I have been using Synthetic Oil since the second oil change. I also changed out the air filter with a K/N air filter.
I had done this before I slowed down.
I discovered ecomodder because I was curious about other ways to save on fuel. I found out I was hypermilling to a degree already. I have been looking at the 65 mods listed on ecomoder for a couple weeks. I selected all the most ideal mods that I could perform with my current skill level at fabrication and mechanics.
The most feasible mod was getting the Scangage II, which I just went through the second calibration and now I am getting much more realistic averages in gas mileage. I increased my tire pressure to 40psi. I ordered Moon Caps.
I am also planning on installing Wheel Skirts. I did not see deleting side mirrors as being feasible due verifying that I would be driving through states that require them. I have parts for a generic hot air intake which I am uncertain if it will help or hinder, but I can not verify with my scangage. I do plan on getting low rolling resistance tires the next time I need tires. That is about the extent of what I will be doing to my car if anything else. I am certain after the Wheel Skirts I will be more confident to do other projects.