Originally Posted by Diesel_Dave
And actually you need to keep the valves closed--not open.
And with an automatic kill switch remember that the kill switch is only halh the picture-- you still need to restart the engine. With an automatic tranny you can't bump start so that means you would have to use the starter to restart...which has other issues like wearing out the starter and draining the battery down.
OK, so valves closed, good to know (and makes sense).
That is why I wanted to keep a cylinder on, to keep the ICE on and not have to restart it at every light I stop at. Unfortunately, it looks like that won't work.
Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Pop the hood, start it, pull injector or plug wires until there is one cylinder left or it quits, whichever occurs first.
I wouldn't even know where to begin with that! I know about cars, in theory, but in practice I am a little more amateur. That's what friends are for though!
I am also still wondering if it would need a heavier flywheel for one cylinder if I only have one cylinder on in neutral?