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Old 06-19-2008, 03:11 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jwcordry View Post
I drive a 2006 toyota highlander and need to get better gas mileage. I currently only get 20mpg and i dont have a led foot. Its an automatic by the way.

The first thing I did was check my tires and made sure they were full.

Any other suggestions. I turn my car off at stoplights now as well.
Since you're in an automatic, that limits your options a tad.

Pull the roofrack off. You'll probably never miss it.

When it comes time for new tires, look for the appropriate size replacement that has the lowest rolling resistance. Keep it aired up all the way.

Drive like the tranny was made of glass and the brakes were made of platinum. Shift into neutral at every opportunity and coast down hills. Drive far ahead of yourself, watch distant traffic and observe what it's doing; change what you're doing now so you don't have to come to a complete stop then. Practice "anti-traffic" in stop-and-go situations.

No A/C, or at least minimize its use by turning it off for long uphills. Turn it off when accelerating away from stops, too.

Carpool. Bike. Walk. Is this trip really necessary? Tack your errands onto friends' and neighbors' trips, then return the favor.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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