In researching this car, I've read literally dozens and dozens of reviews in the last couple of months, and have learned we need to be wary of reviewers' opinions, and make up our own minds.
It's easy to find multiple examples where reviewers literally contradict one anothers' views, coming to polar opposite conclusions
about the exact same feature/characteristic!
It borders on hilarious. So, just for fun I put together a list of examples concerning the Mirage from the professional reviewers:
Why you should take car reviews with a giant grain of salt.
I'm not kidding: one will say the suspension is too soft; another will say it has a wonderfully comfortable ride for such a little car. One hates the plasticky interior, while another praises it for its "wipe down" practicality & durability. The list goes on and on.
(I have to admit though I do find it funny when reviewers criticise cheap econoboxes for being made with cheap materials, and for not handling like sports cars!)
All that said, the car
is being criticized for a few things more often than not: its mushy handling/steering, its bland styling & spartan interior.
Sounds pretty much like what they'd have have said about my 15 year old Metro/Firefly.