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Old 04-01-2013, 06:36 PM   #18 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Health is EVERYBODY's problem.

Originally Posted by Old Tele man View Post
...sorry, but California's problems are NOT always the problems of others, regardless of CARB or EPA; they simply "strong-arm" and financially "saddle" EVERYBODY because they can.
Think of riding the bus to school. That is found in most ALL our school districts. The most vulnerable of our population is on those buses - growing children with a LIFETIME to go. Now you want to place them on a bus that spews particulate matter at high rates - particulate matter that has been connected with all sorts of long and short term problems.

Why don't we go back to regional fuel and emission standards like we had a few years ago? That would make it FAIR? Correct?

Except vehicles move. And so does the pollution.

I live on the border of Mexico in the beautiful city of San Diego. We adhere to the stringent regs of the EPA and CARB. Mexico doesn't. Consequently, we live with bad air days depending on the prevailing winds. We live with Mexican registered trucks driving our roadways belching pollutants. We deal with the occasional sewage on our beaches because of tides that have shifted for the day.

I guarantee this measure will not effect you in any significant fiscal way - in the immediate. But over the lives of people who succumb to pollution health effects, the costs can be enormous. China is finding this out. They are going to have to pay a vast healthcare cost over the next couple generations.

The majority of people are much happier with our cleaner air and water. The bellicose rants of the NIMBY population has gradually given way to the understanding of the individual's responsibility to society as a whole.

Last edited by RustyLugNut; 04-01-2013 at 06:38 PM.. Reason: Punctuation.
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