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Old 04-03-2013, 01:59 AM   #62 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Arragonis View Post
We are drifting again and I know this was originally intended as a US only thread about the T
American automotive culture shown itself not so supportive to extremely simple cars like the T anymore, as some overseas markets still are. Some folks would blame the so-called "planned obsolescence" as a reason for the shorter lifespan of newer platforms comparing to the Model T and its 19-year production term, and all the nowadays-frequent model-year updates, but the improvements regarding emissions and safety standards also have an important role on that matter. Europe after WW2 developed a different culture, more conservative regarding energy resources leading to smaller engines and more versatility to cope with the damaged roads at the time, which was followed by Africa and Latin America for budget reasons while the U.S. took a different path with its fish-tail Cadillacs. That's why it's easier to find vehicles technically comparable to the Model T in overseas markets than in America...
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