Originally Posted by ciderbarrel
I don't know anyone with a new car.
My GF has a 05 VW Jetta, I have had my 05 Mustang for 2 years now, kept my Saturn for 10 years, I still have my 03 Durango (on long term loan to my brother), I have friends with: 97 Corolla, 05 Saturn VUE, 01 F-150, 06 Elantra, a chevy Cavalier, 95 Mustang...Here in the DC area, we keep them forever which jives with all the articles I've been reading about how people are keeping their cars longer because of the economy.
On my motorcycle ride through the rural parts of my county, I was in Damascus, MD last night. Talk about old cars. Saw tons of 70s Camaros, 90s mustangs, 80s 3-series BMWs, 90s/2000s Civic hatches and tons of pimp-mobiles...some were even in good shape
Ya I agree with you I think overall the past 5 years people have kept there cars for longer. Car sales were down through out much of the industry and many small places went out of business across the nation. This past year there has most definitely been more action than in the last 5 years combined it seems. Don't take that literally it just seems that way to many in the industry. Not sure if that is due to the economy starting to pick up or what?
Anyways Cider I personally don't buy new either I will let the other guy take the instant depreciation we all know is coming the second you drive it off the lot
It is amazing to me how things in the past 20 years have sky rocketed in cost not just vehicles! I am really worried for my kids in another 20 years they will not be able to afford anything it seems.