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Old 04-09-2013, 12:44 AM   #34 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by GreenHornet View Post
Yes Mazda has a unique approach in reducing the compression ratio of the diesel engine. However fuel economy does suffer with this strategy. Mazda tries to overcome this shortfall by utilizing a dual stage turbo. My guess is it still will not have better fuel economy as a result.

Still the best way to get around the Urea Injection is to use a smaller diesel or downsize the power plant in combination with water and or methanol injection. These are proven strategies that will save you money and clean up your particulate output without reinventing the world
Mazda claims that the lower compression increases the efficiency, since it leads the combustion to start closer to the center of the combustion chamber. The dual-stage provides a more homogeneous air pressure through all the RPM bands. Water/methanol injection acts like a chemical intercooler...
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